How Often Should I Flush My Water Heater Tank?

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How Often Should I Flush My Water Heater Tank?

Keep your plumbing in top condition with a maintenance agreement.

MJ Frick Co.Inc.Maintenance agreements are a simple way to protect the systems you rely on every day for safe, comfortable living. Getting your water heater inspected before the cold weather sets in will give you peace of mind this winter.

Your water heater tank can be a gnarly place. Storing water year in and year out is a nasty business, and if you skimp on regular maintenance you put your family and home at risk. That’s why most experts recommend a total flush of the system at least once a year to prevent.

What is a Flush?
Flushing the water heater tank means emptying the entire reservoir into safe receptacle and then refilling with fresh water. In the process, the technicians will generally scrape out any harmful buildup or sediment that might be interfering with efficient performance.

What’s the Downside?
If you don’t get your water heater tank flushed on a regular basis, you could be risking the overall operational efficiency of your unit. This means higher bills and less effective heating capacity for your home and family. As sediment builds up, so does the pressure on your system. This kind of development can lead to burst pipes or total system shutdown. That’s a big repair bill that can easily be avoided with maintenance agreement provisions.

Tankless Heaters
Even if you have a tankless heater, you should still consider the buildup inside pipes that might be putting your system at risk. Cleaning out the interior of your system is imperative no matter the style of heater.

Click here to get more information about the benefits of a maintenance agreement from our team of professionals at MJ Frick today.


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