How Can I Control the Moisture in My Basement?

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How Can I Control the Moisture in My Basement?

Take advantage of home improvements and upgrades to protect your property and your family.

MJ Frick Co.Inc.

Home improvements and upgrades make it easier than ever to prevent mildew and moisture damage in your home. Controlling moisture in your home’s basement is a large health and safety issue. While basements are often used with less regularity than other rooms in the house, they are still connected to common areas and living spaces through ductwork and vents. This means that moisture can start to impact the entire home and put your family at risk for mildew exposure.

Here are three steps you can take if you think you have a moisture problem in your home:

  1. Recognize Warning Signs.
    Many homeowners don’t spend that much time in their basement, so it’s common that high moisture levels might go unnoticed for some time. But eventually you will notice some symptoms that can’t be ignored such as damp, humid air, or water trickling from the walls. It’s also common for an odor to accompany mold and mildew as it spreads.
  2. Identify Water Source.
    Excessive moisture could result from many different factors. Common external culprits include groundwater and rainwater, and humid outside air. But the cause could also be something within your home from lack of ventilation or humidifying systems like showers or cooking. Isolating the source is essential to formulating a solution.
  3. Control Moisture Levels.
    Whether it’s getting proper ventilation installed or investing in new drainage systems, getting the source of moisture under control is the final step in this process. Dehumidifiers are designed to pull moisture from the air and reduce the damaging effects of humidity. Whole home humidifiers are available to provide complete humidity control, which can be especially important if you live in a muggy climate or have issues with outside air ventilation.

Click here for more information about how to control moisture in your basement with home improvements and upgrades.

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